Tuesday, February 7, 2017

6 original techniques for decorating with glass bottles

One of the most simple and inexpensive items to decorate a room are glass bottles. Its shape is so simple and elegant that lends itself to an endless number decorative projects.. Plus it is very easy to get them and recycle them, you can use different techniques with very low cost materials that make them look spectacular.Take note of these original techniques that we have compiled for you.

1.- Bottles with lines. Cover the bottle with masking tape (you can also use string) forming lines to your liking. Apply paint spray and let dry before removing. For the design of two colors, you must first give a layer of paint with a color to the bottle, let dry completely and proceed to place the tape. Apply a new coat of paint in a contrasting color. Leave to dry and remove tape.

2. With textures. Create textures on the glass surface by applying hot silicone dots or lines. Make designs to your liking. Leave to dry and apply spray paint of your favorite color on the bottle.

3.- Acrylic paint. Make beautiful and colorful designs on your bottles using acrylic paint. First you must put on a layer of white paint, let dry and draw penciling the design you have chosen. Color using acrylic paint. Once dry, make black lines using an permanent marker or sharpie

4.- Metallic finishes. Give a completely different image to a bottle using spray paint with metal finishing. Simply apply and let dry.


5.- With wool or yarn. To do this technique you only have to entangle and glue thread or rope on the surface of the bottle until completely covering it. Apply hot silicone from time to time so the string is held in place.

6.- White and sharpie. Fully paint a white bottle, either with acrylic or spray paint. Let it dry and then make simple designs using only a black sharpie marker.

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